You can find some models designed by me at Thingiverse.
print on demand
We offer 3D printing services using FDM technology. Check out our pricing calculator for cost estimation. By default we do not apply any post processing techniques to your model. Reach out for us if you are interested in tailor-made and sophisticated services.
Shipping to Poland only. Prices are estimates and are subject to change. We accept Bitcoin.
Maximum print size is 220 mm x 220 mm x 230 mm.
Contact information available in the about section.
my favourites
- Afro Samurai (anime)
- Berserk (anime from 1997 and manga)
- Claymore (anime and manga)
- Cowboy Bebop (anime)
- Dororo (anime from 1969 and manga)
- FLCL (anime)
- Great Teacher Onizuka (anime)
- Hellsing (anime)
- Hokuto no Ken (anime)
- Hyakko (anime)
- JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (OVA by A.P.P.P.)
- Jūni Kokki (anime)
- Nana (anime)
- Neon Genesis Evangelion (anime)
- Oyasumi Punpun (manga)
- Sailor Moon (anime)
- Serial Experiments Lain (anime)
- Shinryaku! Ika Musume (anime and manga)
- Steins;Gate (anime)
- Umibe no Onnanoko (manga)
- Vision of Escaflowne (anime)
- Watashi ga motenai no wa dō kangaetemo omaera ga warui! (abbr. WataMote, anime and manga)
There are no works by Hayao Miyazaki or by Studio Ghibli by intent - you should definitely watch all of them, so there is no point in listing them here. Start with Princess Mononoke or Spirited Away to understand what I mean.
By the way, I would really love to thank authors of Nyaa Torrents. You do a great job!
related work
Berserk - see models, yatka
Claymore - see models
FLCL Progressive and FLCL Alternative - subtitles for BDRip by SweetSub and VCB-Studio modified by me to match video timing
Agent AIKa R-16 Virgin Mission - subtitles for DVD Rip (800x442) by Shiniori-Raws, transcribed and translated by OpenAI Whisper (medium model). Poor (but understandable) translation for poor anime.
A simple calculator made with Bittboy in mind, ported to RetroFW later on. It should not be much hassle to port it to other platforms though.
The source code and executables can be found on GitHub.
pades (PAttern DESigner) is a tool for designing old style, 2-bit desktop patterns. If you remember desktop patterns of MS Windows 95, then you do not need further explanation. If not, you can still have fun :)
The source code and executables can be found on GitHub.
A level editor for Capman, a Pac-Man clone with some interesting features (e.g. guns). Hopefully, it is more user-friendly than the standard level editor delivered with the game itself. Feel free to do with it whatever you want, I do not maintain it anymore.
Here you can find description of Capman level format. Some of the levels created in capedit2 can be downloaded from here.
The source code and executables can be found on GitHub.
My implementation of Gomoku, also known as Five in a Row. Feel free to do with it whatever you want, I do not maintain it anymore.
The source code and executables can be found on GitHub.
Started as a clone of Icy Tower, now it is a platform game with unique features. It offers pure gameplay, no fancy graphics or twinkling stars. Available on RetroFW-based devices and modern web browsers. Give it a try :)
To be honest, the game needs sprites to reach wider audience. If you are a 2D artist and would like to help me in this project (for free), please contact me.
final snake
As the name suggests, it is yet another implementation of a popular Snake game. This time you are not limited to four directions when it comes to turning.
Why even bother making a Snake clone? Well, there are not too many Snake-type games available for MiyooCFW or RetroFW (the only one I can think of is H.E.R.O.E.S.), so I decided to create something both playable and fun to develop. Technical limitations and time-proven technology stack used to create the game provided me lots of fun! (and irritation, too)
The footage of the game is on YouTube. The source code is available at GitHub. Official releases can be found there as well. At the moment the only supported platform is MiyooCFW.
One day I decided I wanted to make some money from my creations. I went with the flow and created VWordle in less than two weeks.
The game is an implementation of Wordle. It is a popular word-guessing game and as a player you have six attempts to guess a word. After each attempt you get feedback in the form of colored tiles indicating when letters match or occupy the correct position. The game is available for MiyooCFW and RetroFW. Tell me if you would like to see this game on OpenDingux.
Video from the game is at YouTube. VWordle is on sale at The source code is available freely at GitHub.
My implementation of Tetris, started as a 2-day project during a summer break. After a few years the legacy code became foundation of a new Tetris implementation for Bittboy and other handheld consoles. Development is on hiatus going on steadily.
Video from the game is at YouTube. The source code can be found on GitHub. The executables can be found on
retroguru ports
The following games have been ported by me for Bittboy/PocketGo as a part of Retroguru initiative.
ports of 3rd party games
The following games have been ported by me for different platforms. For binaries, see relevant Releases section on GitHub.
Bittboy ports should run on any Bittboy-compatible hardware, i.e. Bittboy itself, PocketGo and clones, such as PowKiddy V90 or PowKiddy Q90. Some PocketGo ports may be incompatible with Bittboy due to additional buttons (left and right shoulders) in use. RetroFW ports are tested on LDK Landscape, but should run on any compatible consoles as well, i.e. square LDK, RG-300, RS-97 and other devices based on JZ4760 or JZ4760B SoC.
If you are interested in porting stuff for Bittboy or PocketGo, take a look at MiyooCFW.
2048 - Bittboy.
Anarch - Bittboy, RetroFW.
Falling Time - Bittboy.
FleshChasmer - PocketGo, RetroFW.
Haunted House - Bittboy.
H.E.R.O.E.S. - Bittboy (buggy!).
Homing Fever - Bittboy.
Hydra Castle Labyrinth - Bittboy.
Just4qix - Bittboy.
l'Abbaye des Morts - Bittboy.
Minesweeper - Bittboy.
Mini Metal Slug - RetroFW.
Modite Adventure - RetroFW.
noiz2sa - RetroFW.
Paranoia - Bittboy.
Promesst - PocketGo, RetroFW.
pv2x (utility) - Bittboy.
Shifty Pills - Bittboy.
Shisen-Seki - Bittboy, RetroFW.
Slitherlink - Bittboy.
Sokoban - Bittboy, RetroFW.
Spartak Chess - Bittboy.
Spout - Bittboy.
Super Methane Brothers - Bittboy, RetroFW.
Super Transball 2 - Bittboy.
Wizznic - Bittboy.
Worship Vector - PocketGo.
soulfu modding
SoulFu (Secret of Ultimate Legendary Fantasy Unleashed) is an open-source 3D arcade/roguelike/RPG game by Aaron Bishop. The official site is here.
The game gathered a little community around it a few years ago. Unfortunately, it never got enough popularity to be developed steadily in the long run. The original license of the game (niceware) also caused issues with hosting the code on the platforms like sourceforge. The architecture of the game also contributed to the lack of developers. To sum up:
- game resources are confined in a single archive binary, which can only be edited by internal development tools - sharing code changes between developers is problematic this way,
- most file formats used in the archive are custom-made - scripts, 3D models, language files, etc. are all written in a way that makes it hard or impossible to edit with any external tool,
- code works properly only on 32 bit platforms - porting it to 64 bits is not a trivial thing as it requires to redesign the existing archive format,
- original code was dependent on modified external libraries, which made it even more difficult to port.
I decided to make development and modding of the game easier by applying some patches by anonymous developers and creating an external toolset. The primary goal was to make all the changes more shareable. I think I managed to do so to some extent.
The base repository of the project is at GitHub. You can track the progress there. The subrepositories for individual tools (data packer, 3D model converter, etc.) are included in the project in the form of git submodules.
related work
AI scripts for Little Fighter 2
If you do not know what Little Fighter 2 is, you can find it out here. If you are familiar with LF2, but you do not know anything about AI scripting, take a look here or here.
A few years ago I created some AI scripts for unofficial custom-made characters. Maybe you will find them useful.
YinYin's Aeron - thread and script.
YinYin and Siegvar's Frozen - thread and script.
YinYin's Silva - download link and script.
other little things
Things too little to give them a separate section, but too noticeable to forget about them.
texture list and map formats of RecWar - click!
music files extracted from PuzzPower 2.0 - click!
tiny opk viewer
A simple tool for viewing OpenDingux and RetroFW packages. It supports opening OPKs from both CLI and GUI. Windows users should be especially delighted as there are few programs of its kind. More information and source code are available on GitHub.
You can find my attempts to code some fancy visual effects. All of them were created with cheap Chinese handhelds in mind, hence the limitation of the screen resolution to 320x240. Most of them were tested on Powkiddy V90 with MiyooCFW, the binaries (if available) can be downloaded from Releases section on GitHub.
.S.k.y. by gynvael.coldwind//vx - actually, it is not completely mine. I just ported the demo to MiyooCFW and RetroFW.
The next three demos were inspired by Lode's Computer Graphics Tutorial:
retro fire - a simple fire effect.
noisy plasma - colorful plasma with some predefined noise to make it look more organic.
wormhole - a quasi 3D effect relying on palette rotation, controllable with D-Pad.
2D bump mapping - when I was a child, I read an article about creating real-time 2D effects in CD-Action (a Polish gaming magazine). Since then I wondered how they worked. After all these years I was finally able to implement one of them on my own.
Lorenz attractor - a long time ago there was a gamedev-related site named Warsztat. The domain is still functioning (and the site still is related to gamedev), but now it contains no creations from users. In the past it hosted many games, concept arts or simply screenshots, and strange attractors were always popular there. As you can suspect, they were my inspiration.
12 diode clock
A 12 diode clock, in which each diode represents one digit on the clock face (just like in any analog clock). More information, schematics and source code are available on GitHub.
binary clock
A binary clock with an infrared receiver and a thermometer. More information, schematics and source code are available on GitHub.
USB-controlled SMPS
A switched-mode power supply with a forward converter. Output voltage and current limits are possible to control via USB and a knob on the front panel. The device does not need any non-standard drivers as it uses USB HID protocol. More information, schematics and source code of firmware and host software are available on GitHub.
digital thermometer
A digital thermometer with an old-school monochromatic Nokia display (with PCD8544 controller). I wanted to tinker with PIC microcontrollers I racked up, so I created something potentially useful for my newborn baby. I also polished my 3D modelling skills with SolveSpace.
In the end the project was not so useful...
More information, schematics, models and source code of firmware are available on GitHub.
related work
Build your own controller for Pegasus (NES clone)! - my article for Paged Out! #1. The full source code of the related project (never finished) can be found on GitHub.
Bypassing a WLAN/WWAN BIOS whitelist on the example of Lenovo G580 - my article for Paged Out! #3. I have no idea why it was included in Networks section... One more thing - in that release you can also find an advertisement of MiyooCFW, sweet :3
Quick introduction to model-based design in C - my article inspired by Bruce Powel Douglass' ideas about object-based code design and some fancy macros in Linux kernel, published in Paged Out! #4.
Bathroom break extension tool made from an AVR programmer - my article about designing mouse-jiggling firmware for USBasp, published in Paged Out! #5.
Hackers' Favorite SSH Usernames: A Top 320 Ranking - a ranking of the usernames most commonly probed by malicious bots, published in Paged Out! #5.
This site is yet another project of mine in search of a perfect form.
A huge thanks for TriForce for providing a mobile version of this site!
If you like things I create, consider Let's be honest - almost nobody cares. And those who care are mostly children, so if I want more money, I should change interests ;p Still, I will happily read any e-mail with praises. Thank you for all already sent - it means quite a lot to me. If I do not answer, probably it is because the mail has not reached me out.PayPal donation or Bitcoin donation at bc1qxwzvk4qs7geleauw33wylyumf26p8hk677rlla. Getting tips motivates me to spend more time on porting and game development.
Contact (e-mail): szymoraw at wp dot pl
shrine of old
Biomedical engineering stuff - several PDFs describing principles of human body measurement from electrical perspective (ECG, EMG, EOG, EEG, etc.). It could be useful for BME students or electronic engineers starting their journey with biomedicine. You can get it from my GitHub repository.
Serwis Elektroniki - a Polish magazine for technicians and electronic enthusiasts. The company which authored and published it does not exist anymore, so I decided to publish archival issues in a digital form. You can grab them from here.
Sieci neuronowe by Ryszard Tadeusiewicz - you can read it online here.
Sygnał mowy by Ryszard Tadeusiewicz - you can read it online here.
Rozpoznawanie obrazów by Ryszard Tadeusiewicz - you can read it online here.
Komputerowa analiza i przetwarzanie obrazów by Ryszard Tadeusiewicz and Przemysław Korohoda - you can download it here.
Podstawy modulacji i detekcji, part 1 by Zdzisław Papir - you can read it online here.
Podstawy modulacji i detekcji, part 2 by Zdzisław Papir - you can read it online here.
Biocybernetyka by Ryszard Tadeusiewicz - you can read it online here.
Problemy biocybernetyki by Ryszard Tadeusiewicz - you can read it online here.
Elementarne wprowadzenie do techniki sieci neuronowych z przykładowymi programami by Ryszard Tadeusiewicz - you can read it online here.
Fizyka by Zbigniew Kąkol - you can download it here.